Swelling Reduction
Ten volunteers with ankle edema of various etiologies were studied at baseline and after wearing FlowKeepers for 12-24 hours. Five participants had swelling of one leg only, and 5 participants showed bilateral edema. Both limb volumes were evaluated by fluid displacement before and after the stimulation period using FlowKeepers. Both groups of participants showed a statistically significant mean volume reduction (approximately 15% reduction in the bilateral group of participants, and 25% in the unilateral group) – this after wearing the medical device for 12-24 hours, depending on the individual. Researchers concluded that FlowKeepers® is a fast, and potentially very effective method of reducing fluid buildup of the legs or ankles.*

Venous Blood Flow

Wound Care

Wakefulness and Performance
This study was designed to evaluate wakefulness and performance in the sleep deprived. Performance of pilots, air traffic controllers, key military and security personnel are impacted by sleep deprivation. Driver sleepiness is a causative factor in 30% of all U.S. motor vehicle crashes and 21% of fatal crashes. Certain factors increase sleepiness such as diminished sensory input and increased splanchnic circulation. Thus, providing sensory stimulation and enhanced peripheral circulation and venous return, might help fight sleepiness. FlowKeepers® was found to help maintain wakefulness and improve performance in healthy, sleep deprived individuals.* We surmise the benefit may be related to ongoing sensory and motor activation, along with enhanced peripheral circulation.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.